08 May 2009

Take That, Recycling

Thanks to the kick ass team of recyclers here at Washington College, I am proud to present you with the final totals of recycling collected in spring semester (from the end of January to this very day).

The five best interns a recycler could ask for managed to amass a grand total of:
5,249.9 lbs of mixed paper
11,389.2 lbs of bottles and cans
4,200 lbs of cardboard

These are astonishing numbers, let me tell you. Especially when you consider as of this time last year we were... well, we weren't really recycling much at all. Let's be honest.

I cannot thank these dedicated students more for their amazing hard work, especially in whole heartedly committing to a program in its fledging year... and especially for pulling together an extra 2700 lbs of recycling by challenging the sororities to a competition- an unheard of number considering it was collected in only 4 weeks. One day I'll post on here about the amount of work that goes into recycling- it's definitely a candidate for Dirty Jobs.

For now, let's just say the Recycling Fairy strikes again!

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