31 March 2009

Well, for sure

A friend sent me this article, knowing my predilection for rambling on about disaster scenarios. And even though this article doesn't talk specifically about disaster, it does speak directly to something I'm always prattling about on this blog: the fact that we, as humans, are not exempt from the same laws that govern every other species and every ecosystem on the planet. Which means, when we overshoot our resources, we suffer a collapse. Simple as that.

If you relate it back to the earlier discussions on this blog about corn and monocropping, it fits with this article: corn is our attempt to become as efficient at growing food as possible, or at least to have as much minute control over the growing of food as possible. Of course, it doesn't always work out that way, as we've seen.

This guy puts it in fancier scientific terms than I'm normally inclined to use, but he hits it spot on.

Our Panarchic Future

I wonder if it would make sense to start calling myself a panarchist?

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