15 October 2008

Bins Magically Appear

Bins, suddenly appear... every time... you come neaaaaar.....

Last week, many of you may have noticed beautiful new recycling bins around campus in Goldstein, Miller, and the CAC. I meant to post about them at the time, but I had a big blister on my thumb from assembling the things and was trying to cut back on typing. Actually I kind of forgot.

But no more! The bins are here! And next semester you will see them in the rest of the academic buildings as well. What does all this mean? How is it that after years of haphazard voluntary recycling collection we are suddenly getting our act together? Well, I’ll tell you. The college has instituted a spanking new recycling program, orchestrated by the Center for Environment & Society and Buildings & Grounds and the President’s Climate Action Committee.

And what does that mean? Well, slowly but surely we will be putting new bins in all the academic buildings on campus. These will be collected by students and taken to a central location on campus for sorting and pickup. As we add bins, we expect to see recycling INCREASE. A lot. If there are bins all over campus, there’s no reason for bottles and cans to end up in the trash. So let’s all help George Go Green and use the brand new, painstakingly assembled recycle bins… after all, it’s about time!

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