13 October 2008

Dining Hall Goes Green!

Starting this Monday, October 13, the Dining Hall will NO LONGER be distributing one-use disposable carry-out containers, but will instead allow students to purchase reusable plastic containers. They are shaped just like the old containers but are made out of plastic and never need to be thrown away. Each container costs $4.00 and may be brought back to the Dining Hall for washing. No need to worry about washing!

One-use containers will no longer be available. While the dining hall briefly made use of biodegradable containers, these still end up filling landfills and require enormous amounts of energy to produce and ship. The supply is also difficult to maintain, as so many colleges are now purchasing biodegradable containers. With the switch to reusable, WC can cut waste in enormous quantities, and save energy by reusing containers rather than producing new ones.

Students will be outside the dining hall on Monday informing everyone about the new containers. Find out more.

In other news, you may have noticed the new recycling bins in the CAC, Goldstein, and the Library. The college has begun a new, very official recycling program and these are our pilot buildings for this semester. Be sure to recycle! For more information visit the CES site.

Go green!

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