20 January 2009

Welcome back!


And again, there are new recycling bins! Yes, while you were gone for holiday, the recycling fairy came in the night and waved her magic wand and bins appeared in the rest of the major academic buildings. Or possibly she and some helpers assembled bins for about 7 hours and ended up with a lot of blisters. Either way!

The small offices will have to wait just a little bit longer, but will also get bins by the end of the year. So! Use the bins! Recycle!

We are also participating in Recyclemania again this year, which is a national competition of colleges to see who can recycle the most! You can check out our ranking here.

Lastly, we are taking a trip to Florida again this Spring Break to volunteer in the Everglades. So if you are interested in going, come to a SEA meeting and look out for ads about the deadlines.

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